Brief: Global Comparison of Residential Broadband Speeds" for only
$179 — that's $100 off the regular price. er-generated content is
coming from all kinds of Internet users. Adoption of high-speed
Internet at home grew twice as fast in the year prior to March 2006
than in the same time frame from 2004 to 2005. Middle-income Americans
accounted for much of the in you through their recently published
studies, detailing their methodologies, conclusions and implications
for the broadband industry overall. You'll also have the opportunity
to question our speakers in the live Q&A session following the
Below is a synopsis of the two groundbreaking broadband deployment and
adoption studies that will be presented and reviewed in depth:
Broadband Deployment is Extensive Throughout the U.S., But it is
Difficult to Assess the Extent of Deployment Gaps in Rural Areas (GAO
06-426) Government Accountability Office (GAO) – April 2006 This
report, mandated by Congress and President Bush, details the current
status of broadband deployment and adoption, the factors that
influence the deployment of broadband networks, the factors that
influence the purchase of broadband services by households, and
suggestions to spur greater deployment and adoption overall.
Home Broadband Adoption 2006 - Pew Internet & American Life Project-
May 2006 In its most recent study, based on a survey of over 7,000
American adults conducted between November 2005 and April 2006, Pew
concludes that home broadband adoption is going mainstream and that
uscrease, along with African Americans and new Internet users coming
online with broadband at home.
You'll also hear the latest Pike & Fischer findings on the number of
American households subscribing to high-speed Internet services,
broken down by cable modem versus DSL usersPike & Fischer's review of
recent industry research available regarding broadband deployment and
adoption in the United States.
We tapped experts from both the US Government Accountability Office
and Pew Research Center to walk
What Was Covered:
* Key study findings regarding both the adoption and deployment of
broadband across the United States – presented by the researchers who
led each respective study team
* An overview of the factors that impact broadband deployment and
adoption – including household income, education levels, geographic
location, price and the variety of services
* Challenges that researchers faced and continue to face in
accurately measuring broadband deployment and adoption statistics and
in developing accurate methodologies for doing so
* Implications of study findings on future federal and state
legislative and regulatory activity and on ongoing consumer behavior
* The status of incremental research underway
Who Attended:
* Telecommunications attorneys and policy makers
* Telecommunications vendors and suppliers
* Broadband service providers
* Wall Street Analysts covering telecommunications
About the Speakers:
JayEtta Hecker, Director, Physical Infrastructure Issues, Government
Accountability Office (GAO) – - GAO is the audit, evaluation, and
investigative arm of Congress. JayEtta Hecker directs the Physical
Infrastructure Team, which specializes in reports and testimony that
help Congress oversee programs and funding of federal agencies,
including FCC, DOT, and GSA, as well as entities such as Amtrak and
the US Postal Service.
John B. Horrigan, Ph.D., Associate Director for Research, Pew Internet
& American Life Project - - John Horrigan studies the online behavior
of broadband Internet users and consumers of other leading edge
information technology. He also leads Pew's research on the Internet's
impact on people's social networks and news gathering habits. He
received his Ph.D. in public policy from the University of Texas at
Austin and his B.A. in government and economics from UVA. In addition,
Horrigan is a member of the board of the Telecommunications Policy
Research Conference, where he serves as Treasurer. Horriganhas taught
as an Adjunct Professor of Government at the University of Texas at
Austin's Washington Campus, the Archer Center.
Moderator: Scott Sleek, Director, Pike & Fischer's Broadband Advisory Services -